For the safety of our children and families, parking along the entrance driveway at OBGC is prohibited. Violators may be towed. Please take an extra minute to drive up into the parking lot to find a space. Thank you for your cooperation.
We hope your family has a great experience and to help ensure your safety, please follow these OBGC Park rules:
2. No Dogs at OBGC Park. Violators will be asked to leave immediately!
3. No Smoking or Drinking Alcohol
4. Please drive SLOWLY!
5. No peanuts or tree-nuts
6. Please supervise your children closely and do not allow them to climb on fences or play in the parking lots or near the ponds.
7. No scooters, bikes, roller blades or skateboards
8. Please keep the Park clean and use trash and recycling bins.
9. At 1st sign of thunder/lightning, clear fields & seek shelter.
OBGC Park is a private facility and we reserve the right to remove anyone from the park for breaking OBGC rules.
Parents will understand that OBGC and its activities are for the benefit of children and parents are required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with creating a positive experience for children and their families. As a Parent or Guardian of a child registered with OBGC, you are responsible for the conduct of your guests and other family members. OBGC will not tolerate a parent yelling at or belittling a child, officials, coaches or other parents in any way. Any and all violations of the Code of Conduct will result in sanctions and may lead to the immediate expulsion of that parent from an event and other OBGC activities.
As an adult and role model, children are influenced by my words and actions. I agree to the following:
1. I will remember that all children participate to have fun and that games are for youths, not adults.
2. I will be a positive role model for children and will encourage them to reach the highest levels of sportsmanship and
to play by the rules.
3. I will be respectful and courteous of others, and will encourage players, officials and coaches through my positive
actions and attitude.
4. I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike behavior with an official, coach, player or parent such as arguing,
booing, taunting or using profane language or gestures.
5. I will teach my child to treat other players, coaches and officials with respect regardless of age, race, creed, color,
gender or ability.
6. I will not be aggressive or hostile towards another individual and will teach my child to resolve conflicts without
resorting to violence or argument.
7. I will not ridicule or yell at my child or any other participant for making a mistake and will not hold a specific child
responsible for losing a competition.
8. I will respect and support the officials and coaches authority during games and will never argue with, question,
discuss or confront officials or coaches.
9. I will do my best to make youth sports fun for all children
Any player, coach or parent that is thrown out of a game for any violation of the above code of conduct will automatically be suspended from playing or attending at least one additional game. Additional suspension time or disqualification from the team completely may be considered if the code of conduct violation is severe.
NOTE: Any and all reported violations will be submitted to the Disciplinary Committee of the Board of Directors for action which can include sanctions and or expulsion from OBGC sponsored events. To file reports of misconduct please complete the Grievance Procedure below and return to OBGC.
Please use this form to submit any grievance you may have with OBGC. Forms go directly to our Board of Directors for consideration and possible action.
In order to better protect children that participate in our programs, OBGC employs a mandatory background check policy for our paid staff and volunteer coaching staff. The information collected by the online system, along with the actual background check itself, is handled confidentially by an outside vendor that specializes in background checks. Results are reported to the OBGC Administrator for confidential review. When required, the Director will contact a volunteer that has “failed” the screening and suspend him/her from coaching. Volunteers that “fail” the screening are notified of the appeal process. All head coach and assistant coach volunteers are required to provide their personal information in order for the background check to be processed. Failure to do so will result in the denial of volunteer position requests.
Lightning is a dangerous phenomenon and can strike from as far away as 10 miles. Athletic teams that practice and compete outdoors are at risk when the weather is inclement.
OBGC has a lightening monitoring system that will sound one long alarm throughout the park when any strikes have been detected in the area. All field participants need to take immediate shelter under roof or in their car (NOT under trees, tents or umbrellas). When lightening is no longer detected the system will sound 3 short alarms letting you know it is safe to resume play.
It is everyone’s responsibility to be aware of this policy and to immediately remove any players, children or spectators from the open fields.