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OBGC Sports will be following Covid-19 guidelines from the CDC, State of MD and Montgomery County.

Register For OBGC Sports

Register For Summer Camps

Registration issues should go to Kim Zelo at

All organizational questions can be directed to Brad Scott at


Brad Scott

Executive/Athletic Director


Fall Sports Programs

Field Hockey

Flag Football (Boys & Girls)

House Soccer

House Softball

House T-ball and Baseball

Boys LAX Clinic- TBD

Girls LAX Clinic – TBD

Winter Sports Programs


Basketball/Softball Workouts

I-270 Basketball

Indoor Soccer Clinic

Rising Stars Basketball


Spring Sports Programs

Flag Football (Boys & Girls)

House Lacrosse

House Soccer

House Softball

House T-ball and Baseball


All families are part of the OBGC Time or Dime Program and are expected to either volunteer 5 hours over the course of the registered year (spring, fall, winter) or pay the $75 opt-out fee to cover the year.  All coaches and volunteers will be required to pay the fee upfront. Head coaches will be reimbursed only once a team is assigned to them and they have completed the mandatory background check. All other volunteers that work their required time will be refunded the $75 fee before the end of the year.

This volunteer program is based on the calendar year and volunteer time does not carry forward to the next year. Whether you pay your fee in the Spring or the Winter, you have until December 31st to complete your volunteer hours or your fee will not be refunded.