ATTENTION COACHES – Have you registered online to Coach yet?
All coaches and assistant coaches for OBGC need to register as a volunteer and complete a mandatory background check. Once approved the check is good for 3 years and guarantees the refund of your annual Volunteer Opt Out Fee ($75). The goal of OBGC is to better protect our children and also help us organize team rosters more quickly for the coaches and get the season underway. Thank you for volunteering as a coach with OBGC!
As a coach, you will realize that you are one of the most important and impactful role models in a child’s life. Your words and your actions will have a positive and potentially devastating impact on the emotional well-being of the children in your charge. Coaching is a privilege and with it comes responsibility. Coaches set the tone for the team and are responsible for the conduct of their players, parents, and any other coaches on the field.
Coach Conduct Agreement
All children are influenced by my leadership and authority and as their coach; I understand I am a role model. I agree to the following:
1. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my players ahead of any personal desire or pressure to win.
2. I will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, opposing coach, player, parent or spectator such as: arguing, refusing to shake hands, excessive yelling or belittling or using profane language or gestures.
3. I will treat each official and opposing coach with respect and will not engage in open arguments or confrontations.
4. I will treat my players fairly and will work towards improving a player’s individual skill set and I will adhere to the player participation rules set forth for my sport by OBGC.
5. I will do my best to provide a safe and encouraging playing situation for my players.
6. I will teach my players to treat other players, coaches and officials with respect regardless of age, race, creed, color, gender, or ability.
7. I will do my best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all players.
8. I will lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all players.
9. I will be knowledgeable in the rules of the sport I coach, and I will teach players to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
10. I promise to review and practice the basic first aid principles needed to treat injuries of my players.
11. I will use coaching techniques appropriate for the skills that I teach.
12. I will remember that I am a youth sports coach, and that games are for children and not adults.
NOTE: Any and all reported violations will be submitted to the Disciplinary Committee of the Board of Directors for action which can include sanctions and or expulsion from OBGC sponsored events. Coaches are to report any violations of the Parent, Coach or Player Code of Conduct directly and immediately to the Commissioner of their sport.